About Us

Our Program

Hands-on, theme-based instruction built on the Constructivist Model of learning

  • Integrated curriculum emphasizing academic, physical, emotional & artistic growth to develop the whole child.
  • Enrichment program including field trips, science, P.E., music, gardening, visual & performing art, cooking.
  • Academic excellence – aligned with State and District Standards to include the core curriculum in literacy, social science, math & science.
  • Experienced, credentialed teachers
  • Low student/adult ratio
  • Parent Participation

Positive Discipline implemented throughout the program, with parent education courses provided for all families. There is a focus on understanding children and the beliefs that motivate their misbehavior. Both teachers and children are treated with dignity and respect and to have faith in their abilities. Problems and mistakes are seen as a catalyst for learning life skills.

  • Helps children feel and experience a sense of belonging, significance and connection in their community
  • Models mutually respectful relationships by being kind and firm at the same time
  • Teaches valuable social and life skills that are effective long term
  • Looks at the belief behind the behavior to provide a more in depth understanding of what the child is thinking, feeling and deciding about themselves, their life and their world
  • Encourages children to discover their personal capabilities through problem solving, communication, negotiation and self-awareness


progressive-education-santa-clara-countyIndigo was established in 2005 as a collaboration between parents and the Oak Grove School District. Founding parents worked with OGSD administration to create a developmental, hands on program that taught the whole child. Positive Discipline and constructivist learning became the heart of the Indigo program. The team researched many Progressive Education school models to design a Progressive Ed program as part of the school district. Once the vision was created the challenge was to enroll 60 students grades K-3. Though this was a two year process, in August 2005, we opened our doors. We began with 3 teachers, 3 multi-age classrooms, and 60 kids. Since then, each year we have added a class and have grown into our current K-8 model. In 2011, the first Indigo graduating class left us and those students joined the high school ranks.

The name Indigo was carefully selected by the founders of the program. “I.N.D.I.G.O.” stands for Inspiring, Nurturing, Discovering, Integrating, Guiding, and Opportunities


Indigo is a safe and caring K-8 program designed to educate the whole child. We provide multi-age interactions and constructivist learning activities through a positive discipline approach. This approach is supported by strong parent involvement. Indigo values the unique learning styles, skills and abilities of each child so they will be prepared to make a positive impact on the world.


  • Children learn through a Constructivist Model, which includes discovery, hands-on, minds-on, real-life experiences and developmental practices.
  • Learning is enhanced through stimulating and challenging work at the children’s ability level.
  • Use of the “whole child approach,” in which all domains of growth: social, physical, emotional, and intellectual, are equally valued.
  • Curriculum is integrated and skills are taught in meaningful contexts.
  • Enrichment programs enhance academic performance.
  • Children’s social-emotional development is supported through teaching them and their families to solve problems using Positive Discipline.

Core Values

  • Collaborative– We try to live our logo everyday by working toward a collaborative community where teachers, students and families work together to make education a community passion. Our families understand the importance of involvement, participation and support in all areas of our program to create a community of caring and to provide greater opportunities for our children to thrive.
  • Developmental– We take a long term view of learning and understand that everyone develops at their own pace. Our school is an inclusive place where all children feel belonging and significance in their classroom and in the larger community. It is a place where children’s various developmental levels, learning styles and needs are understood and appreciated and where we all learn the value of seeing and understanding things from different perspectives.
  • Whole Child– Teaching is holistic and uses a wide variety of integrated approaches to take different learning styles into account and where multiple intelligences are valued and respected. Social, emotional and academic learning are all necessary in teaching the whole person. Students are engaged learners who are allowed to explore and experiment and where they learn to take charge of their own education.
  • Progressive (Flexible) – When listened to and treated with respect, children are naturally curious and independent learners. We want to create lifelong learners who are capable, productive and who contribute positively to the world. Our classrooms strive for in-depth learning through engagement, integration, adaptability, emergent learning and through best practices so that our students are able to find their passion for learning.
  • Respectful– We use the Positive Discipline approach where equal dignity and respect for all is woven throughout the interactions of the community. This approach is both kind and firm at the same time and emphasizes connection before correction when teaching new skills. A positive and encouraging place where we work together to focus on solutions and understand that mistakes are opportunities to learn. Collaborative problem solving, conflict resolution, and social emotional learning (SEL) skills are taught through class meetings, communication lab and Project Cornerstone across all grade levels.